- Our goal is to create an interactive exhibit that allows the user to control and view a game while providing him or her with a unique, immersive experience.
- As video games gain popularity, gamers are looking for better ways to play, not only in terms of graphics, but how the game is played. Over the years, companies have been developing means to engage gamers (e.g. the wii with Nintendo’s motion controllers, and the Microsoft’s Kinect by eliminating the need for a controller). More companies are developing newer, better ways to interact with these games. As the interest in new platforms expand, the opportunity to pursue such developing technology is greater.
- We aim to provide a smooth, intuitive way to interact with games in general, with the focus being on Minecraft. Our installation will allow people to have an immersive experience. We are accomplishing this by creating a Virtual Reality cave that will immerse the user in the game, while allowing them to control it by using a gestural interface that we are creating. Our installation combines physical movement with true first-person immersion to create a better gaming experience.
All posts for the month December, 2012
Due to file size restrictions, our demo video can be found here:
We have already had our third Milestone Review and next Wednesday we will be having our Midterm Review and fielding any and all questions about our project.
Changes to our project for those that might actually read this:
1. The Oculus Rift release date has been pushed back (big surprise) so we have been forced to seek an alternative solution. We landed on using 3 pico projectors and creating a VR Cave of sorts, where a user will be immersed due to having the game projected onto screens all around them.
2. We will be creating a website for promotional purposes with help from our friend, Tim McCann, so big thanks to him. The URL for said site will be released when it is actually suitable for viewing.
3. We actually have a title for our project/installation, thanks to a friend. We are calling our project The MineCave.
4. New Twitter account to follow! @MineCave. Follow it, share it, etc. This will be the official account for all news about the project and stuff like that. If you or anyone you know like Minecraft or playing games with cool new gestural interfaces, get on it!
That is all.