Holy crap. The last update that I posted on here was in December. Sorry about that.
So anyway, we have a ton of updates and changes to report since then. Let’s jump into them, shall we?
– Our website, www.mine-cave.com, is almost ready for everyone to look at. We are migrating to our domain that we purchased as well as hosting it through DreamHost, so it will still be a few days, but yeah. It’ll be ready soon. We will be using a QR code for easy access.
– We painted the entire outside of the installation. It now looks like a giant MineCraft grass block. Yay. We also have set up the inner screen and tested out projectors inside the space.
– Interactions with our project have changed a lot. We have gotten rid of the iPod Touch and are now going to be using a wireless Wii Nunchuck, controller, with looking around mapped to the analog stick, tool swapping mapped to the C button and jumping to the Z button.
– We’ve improved the gesture to be much smoother and more responsive.
– We’ve been working on our in-game world for the big night.
– We’re trying to get advertisements for our project made using a laser engraver. Cool stuff.
– We’re finalizing a couple of posters. One for a Capstone Night backdrop, and the other to post around campus.
– We are in the process of designing a logo for our project.
– We have been networking and promoting as much as possible.
– We added support PVC beams to the sides of the frame as well as across the top.
– We are trying to make cradles out of wire to support the Projectors.
– For the outside of the installation, we’d like a table set up with another computer to play, a potential mirrored view of what the person inside is seeing, our poster, laser engraved titles and QR codes, plus other relevant content on our laptops.
– We also want to make a revised Demo video of this project actually working before the end.
So yeah, tons of stuff. Tell your friends to show up next Thursday!